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Ресурсний центр ГУРТ
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European Integration

Dear Colleagues,



International Renaissance Foundation, Sea State University. P. Mogylya and Fund to Development of Nikolayev city invite you to participate in the roundtable «Ukraine and the EU: from partnership to the association, which will be held June 2, 2011 in the premises of the Academic Council CSU, aud. 5-107, at: Nikolayev, Str. 68 Marines, 10, from 10.00 am to 13.00 pm

This year Ukraine will mark the twentieth anniversary of independence, and until the end of the year, Ukraine and the EU are likely to sign an Association Agreement, which would mean the beginning of a qualitatively new period in relations between Ukraine and the EU. In June the European Commission will also offer his vision of the renewed European Neighborhood Policy, under which Ukraine and the EU cooperated since 2005.

That gave Ukraine a «European choice» for 20 years of independence? What were the achievements of the European Neighborhood Policy since 2005? That we will «association» and «free trade zone with the EU, and what we can do to» build Europe in Ukraine? What are European values, and how can the European integration and friendly relations with Russia? This range of issues to be discussed during the event.

Roundtable aims to compare the terms of the perception of relations between Ukraine and EU and European integration of Ukraine Ukrainian and foreign experts who systematically addressing these issues (agenda the roundtable included).

Participate in the roundtable will be Susan Stewart, a researcher at the fund, «Politics and Science» (Germany), Grzegorz Gromadsky, independent expert (Poland), Oleksandr Sushko, research fellow of the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation (Ukraine), Nikolay Ryabchuk, essayist and politician (Ukraine).

We invite you to attend the event.

Regarding registration, please contact Fund to Development of Nikolayev city (47-38-79, 47-34-79)

e-mail: frgn@ukrpost.ua


Chairman FDN M.E. Zolotukhin

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The aim of the European program of the International Renaissance Foundation — promoting Ukraine’s European integration by providing financial and expert support to community initiatives. More: www.irf.ua