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Internships the executive branch of Mykolayiv city and town council members in Borispol and Slavutich

Еще читать о стандартах ISO в Николаеве

From 26 to 29 April 2011 Mykolayiv city Council in association with the Fund to Development of the Nikolayev city (FDN) organized an internship the executive branch of Mykolayiv city and town council members in towns Borispol and Slavutich.



This event, like the recent visit of our delegation in Vinnitsa, conducted under the project «Electronic Mykolayiv» with financial support from the International Renaissance Foundation. The purpose of such training is to review the sequence of steps and ways of implementing e-governance technologies and standards ISO 9001:2008 in local government.

Пункт приема граждан в Борисполе

In both cities, the delegation from Mykolayiv met very cordially, and tried to tell about the achievements that were reached during the introduction of standard ISO 9001:2008.

In fact, confirmed by the known truth of the need for streamlining workflow institutions and implementation of information card only secures the resulting success. Initial psychological resistance to innovation was present everywhere. However, as their understanding and implementation of a new style appeared supporters who so advocate received changes that continue to sometimes oppose new, more progressive change.

The standard provides for dynamic and ongoing revision of the rules. Involvement of independent experts, obviously, would be appropriate.

После встречи с мэром Славутича николаевская делегация посетила местный музей

However, repeatedly expressed the view that outside experts are no longer needed, once recognized that the standard ISO 9001:2008 has been introduced, ie views of in-house expertise is sufficient. This is the «paradox of the leader» — the establishment of standards impedes the arrival of another, more progressive.

WEB-technology is still poorly used in management. As the automation of registration, processing, transmission and control of execution of official correspondence, internal documents and applications of citizens used ASKOD (automated control and office administration). Sites largely perform information functions. Document management with elements of electronic paper (using scanned copies of documents). Electronic signatures are not common.

It should be noted that an important and decisive factor in the transition to the ISO standard of local government in Mykolayiv City is the political will of our mayor Vladimir Chaika. It is an indisputable fact. The presence of a competent professional management in the structure of City Hall with the authority and the state — the same condition, it is necessary.

At the conclusion of the visit we were recollections of meetings with friendly people and top professionals. They are all enthusiasts of the changes that have brought to their work standards ISO. Our «trainees» were once again convinced that the policies that employed the advanced technology of working with people and chose a course on e-governance, have the support of a significant number of voters. After three quarters of the voters vote for the transition to a new relationship with the government!

Press office of the Fund to Development of the Nikolayev city

In the reports used materials from «Electronic Governance: Chronicle: http://ehronika.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/стажировка-николаевцев-в-борисполе-и/#more-796